Our rage and grief do not live in disconnected bodies. Join Dr. Jenn Mullan of Decolonizing Therapy to delve into Sacred Rage, Sacred Grief, & Sacred Boundaries. Each session stands alone; to truly embody the experience, engage in all three.
What is covered in these three LIVE 90-minute courses:
- Together, we will define and unlearn what we know about Rage in a colonial, Eurocentric sense.
- We will create space to feel your Sacred Rage and acknowledge how it may be speaking to and through you.
- We will design processes that honor and create space for your Ancestry and how it may speak through your Sacred Rage.
- We will understand how to differentiate between grief, anxiety, and collective grief and energy.
- We will analyze and decode how grief shows up in historically ignored communities and cultures, and we will learn how to reclaim and embody “big grief” in order to ride it.
- We will create a fluid and ever-evolving collective and personal grief practice.
- We will recognize the importance of our unique energy hygiene and examine how it impacts yourself and others so you can create energetic boundaries.
- We will acknowledge and integrate the ancestral roots of energy practices so that you can implement the practice with regard for the ancestral lineage.
- We will create somatic practices that can be used daily to maintain healthy energetic boundaries allowing you to drop into your body with more ease.