
Decolonial deconditioning, community healing, and practical strategy for practitioners, groups, organizations, institutions, and communities.

Transform your community, group, or organization into healing-justice liberated spaces—by healing from the emotional wounds that limit all of us and cause unintentional harm. 

Dr. Mullan and the Decolonizing Therapy team offer four pathways to enter into this vital and transformative work.

  • Speaking engagements (e.g., keynotes, interactive workshops, presentations, and panels)
  • Writing
  • Organizational consulting and healing work
  • Courses & immersions 

See below for details.




"Engaging, energizing, grounded, emotionally charged, and inspiring"

“I was blown away by Dr. Mullan's ability to be engaging, energizing, grounded, emotionally charged, challenging, and inspiring all at the same time, particularly when delivering her remarks in a virtual format. Attendees in the room could be seen nodding their heads and responding to her remarks, and online they used the chat to comment on the power of Dr. Mullan's words and ideas”

—Anonymous keynote audience member


"A lovely balance of holding and pushing"

“Dr. Mullan embodies this work and was an important model of this alongside the content she presented. It was particularly impressive how she navigated her presentation amidst a predominantly white space with a lovely balance of holding and pushing. As a POC, I felt highly empowered by her presentation.”



" brought so many of us together to learn about how and why we or our peers may be feeling so many feelings."

"On behalf of us all at Honey, a very heartfelt and full Thank You for organizing, working on, and presenting such an amazing, loving, informative talk for us all. I know it was needed and it brought so many of us together to learn about how and why we or our peers may be feeling so many feelings. I know I have benefited so much from understanding colonization and how it affected my life and I'm so grateful your work has been able to touch my friends at Honey as well. I appreciate you so much - thank you for doing so much of this work to help others. I hope you are able to receive rest, abundance, and community during this time.”

—Anonymous,  Honey/ Paypal



Dr. Jennifer Mullan is a dynamic and energetic speaker with an unapologetically loving, raging, and spiritually-grounded presence. 

Her presentations, keynotes, interactive workshops and panels leave individuals more knowledgeable, activated (in the best possible way!), and prepared to begin individual and collective transformation.

Topics frequently presented on:

  • Decolonizing Therapy
  • Ancestral Trauma & Generational Healing 
  • Racial Trauma & Righteous Rage
  • Decolonizing & Alchemizing Grief & the Black Body
  • Honoring, Healing, and Navigating Rage & Grief
  • Staying Present: Parenting & Caregiving Through Intergenerational Trauma
  • A Call to Action: Politicizing Our Practices in Higher Ed / Mental Health / Schools
  • Conscious Boundaries for BIPOC
Bring Dr. Mullan to your campus, organization, or community




Dr. Mullan’s revolutionary, paradigm-shifting book Decolonizing Therapy: Oppression, Historical Trauma, Politicizing Your Practice is coming in 2023! 

Watch this space for more info or sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop!





"Unique ability to hold space for the shadow and the light"

Whether she’s teaching on radical rage, ancestral trauma, or decolonizing therapy, Dr. Mullan brings a structured, experiential, and powerfully intersectional approach to each workshop. She has the unique ability to authentically hold space for both the shadow and the light which allows for transformative healing. Her ability to combine psychological education with spiritual wisdom creates a grounded and holistic space for participants. Dr. Mullan’s attention to inclusivity and community care is remarkable and she is skilled at supporting each participant and honoring their personal choice and their journey.”

–Emlyn Guiney, Head of Programming for CIIS Public Programs




This three-part course is an invaluable offering for mental health practitioners, social workers, nonprofits, institutions, grassroots organizations, or anyone interested in cultivating and implementing a decolonized, anti-oppression lens in their work. 

Politicizing Your Practice (PYP) participants are invited to begin to deconstruct and dismantle the mental health industrial complex. And to re-imagine a new paradigm and co-create new practices in community.  

"The workshop series has been inspiring, moving, highly engaging, and deeply impactful to me personally and professionally."

“I want to thank you for the time we have spent. The workshop series has been inspiring, moving, highly engaging, and deeply impactful to me personally and professionally. I've very much enjoyed the sessions and I wished we could continue meeting! As you know, your work with us is connected to the work we do in understanding trauma, historical and intergenerational trauma, including systemic racism and other forms of oppression that we are all impacted by and show up in our work. We all have to continue showing up and work to dismantle racism, decolonize our thinking and perspectives, language, practices, understandings, and the social work field."

DS, Streetworks Program, NY

Learn more or register for PYP


This webinar will help you understand your rage as sacred and explore its connection to shame, grief and ancestral trauma. 

This webinar might be for you if:

  • You sense there’s something important or sacred about your rage. You’re tired of messages that discourage you from exploring and expressing it
  • You feel controlled by, afraid of, or disconnected from your rage. You want to feel more balanced in relationship to it.
  • You struggle accessing or accepting your inner rageful child or teenager
  • You want to understand how trauma gives birth to inner rage
Learn more or register for The Rage Disguises


What if Rage is a gift from your beloved ancestors to illuminate your chords of connection? What if, at a somatic level, Rage is a sign that your boundaries have been crossed, or will be? What if Rage was a survival and coping tool you could use daily in your life?

The answer is YES to all of these. Rage is not a problem to be solved or an emotion to be eradicated. Our rage is sacred. It is the boundary keeper and protector. Our rage is a sacred messenger. In this workshop, you will dive into your Sacred Rage with the support of The Collective.

What is covered in this 90-minute course:

  • Together, we will define and unlearn what we know about Rage in a colonial, Eurocentric sense.
  • We will create space to feel your Sacred Rage and acknowledge how it may be speaking to and through you.
  • We will design processes that honor and create space for your Ancestry and how it may speak through your Sacred Rage.
Learn more or register for Sacred Rage


What if you could learn to understand your grief and anxiety as a sacred container to create an ever-evolving personal healing practice?

Imagine knowing the difference between your personal grief and anxiety and that collective energy of grief and anxiety that isn’t yours to hold. Imagine the relief and wholeness you’ll feel when you have the tools to move through the message. And imagine moving through the message with ease.

What is covered in this 90-minute course:

  • Together, we will understand how to differentiate between grief, anxiety, and collective grief and energy.
  • We will analyze and decode how grief shows up in historically ignored communities and cultures, and we will learn how to reclaim and embody “big grief” in order to ride it.
  • We will create a fluid and ever-evolving collective and personal grief practice.
Learn more or register for Sacred Grief


What if you could learn how to maintain boundaries that are healthy for you by tuning into your ancestor’s wisdom?

Imagine knowing and honoring your energetic needs and boundaries on a daily basis. Imagine having the tools to decode your ancestor’s beliefs, practices, and wisdom. Imagine feeling the somatic freeness that comes when you honor your needs and limits.

What is covered in this 90-minute course:

  • Together, we will recognize the importance of our unique energy hygiene and examine how it impacts yourself and others so you can create energetic boundaries.
  • We will acknowledge and integrate the ancestral roots of energy practices so that you can implement the practice with regard for the ancestral lineage.
  • We will create somatic practices that can be used daily to maintain healthy energetic boundaries allowing you to drop into your body with more ease.
Learn more or register for Sacred Boundaries

The above courses are self-directed allowing you to move through the material at your own pace. 

Courses and course materials are for educational purposes only, and do not constitute therapy, a therapeutic relationship, medical care, or medical advice.


This supplemental offering takes either of our existing self-directed courses and makes them come alive in your group or organization. 

With your input, we’ll create a custom immersion to suit your group’s particular needs.

Turn knowledge into action. Contact us to arrange group immersion for your organization or team today.

Get in touch


"Above all, you taught me that my rage isn't disgusting or bad… you taught me that I am lovable as a big, bad, raging kid from the hood."

“Thank you Dr. Jenn.  Seriously, you ARE the rage doctor.  The work we have done together in group over the past 4 years has changed me.  I see my caregivers differently.  I see my childhood trauma differently.  I see my Blackness differently.  You supported me in elevating myself.  You supported me and became a case manager when I was homeless, and you knew how to hold space just in the right way when I needed food, clothing, and to regulate my nerves.  Above all, you taught me that my rage isn't disgusting or bad… you taught me that I am lovable as a big, bad, raging kid from the hood.  I salute you Dr. J.”

—K.B. University student



The Decolonizing Therapy team offers short and long-term consulting for organizations; agencies; group therapy practices; and more. 

We can help your group or organizations with things like:

  • Navigating interpersonal conflict
  • Steps towards healing from systemic, lateral, and structural violence ; relational harm; race-based trauma; or workplace bullying, targeting, and discrimination
  • Building team culture from a social justice and decolonial lens 
  • Incorporating restorative justice principles into your policies and procedures
  • Deepening commitment to action after completing the Politicize Your Practice series

Services are crafted to meet the unique needs of your group, but may include things like: 

  • Facilitated conversations or healing sessions 
  • Mini-retreats
  • Advisory support
  • Immersives for C-suite executives
  • Process-oriented coaching 

Deep shifts over quick fixes

This work is not meant to be a bandaid or check a box. 

Going to the root of a problem admittedly takes more time, energy, and effort. But it’s also more likely to lead to real healing and lasting organizational change that benefits those most impacted by structural violence.

Some situations are more complex than others and may need more time, energy, and care to address thoughtfully and thoroughly. We will work with your organization to develop and implement a solution that best fits your organization's situation, needs, and resources. 

What To Expect

Whether on a stage, in a retreat center, or via Zoom, our facilitators aim to co-create spaces where it feels safe to be vulnerable and brave. We celebrate joy, creativity, and connection while making room for the rage and despair that is an unavoidable part of acknowledging deep violence and trauma.

We integrate somatic, process-oriented, and art therapy modalities; and draw from healing-justice and liberation-psychology frameworks- including the wisdom of our elders, and spiritual traditions. 

This work has a heavy emphasis on mental and emotional health. Movement is often involved and is integrated in a way that makes it safe and possible for every body to participate. There is a huge internal community component which lends itself well to transformational justice work and narrative therapy.

We would be honored to help you transform your organization into a healing and justice-liberated space.

Unique challenges require custom solutions. We offer a free 25-minute call to discuss how we can support your organization's goals.

Ask a question or book a consultation call

Remembering what was & co-creating what will be. Together. 

Be the first to hear about book updates, giveaways, events, and other Decolonizing Therapy happenings