

Decolonial deconditioning, community healing, and practical strategy for practitioners, groups, organizations, institutions, and communities.

Speaking and Consulting


Invite Dr. Jennifer Mullan to speak at your next presentation, keynote, interactive workshop and panel.

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Group Immersions


This supplemental offering takes any of our existing self-directed courses and makes them come alive in your group or organization.

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A 6-month 1:1 incubator to extract you from the grips of mind supremacy and back into your body

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The Decolonizing Therapy Book

 Dr. Jenn’s national best seller. A revolutionary, paradigm-shifting book published in November 2023!

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Office Hours Membership


Monthly Q&A style community sessions with Dr. Jenn's captivating facilitation style.

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Online Trainings


Learning and unlearning through webinars and self-paced courses.

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It’s time to return to the root

Colonization cuts off from our histories, our bodies, one another, and the land. Separates us from home.

Decolonizing Therapy is a love letter and a call to action for helpers, healers, and space holders struggling inside the mental health industrial complex. A violent, inhumane system that’s harming you and those you want to help.

It’s time to come back home.
To yourself. To your Ancestors. To the root.

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In these three 90 minute workshops, you will dive into your Sacred Rage, Sacred Grief and Sacred Boundaries and learn how to honor your energetic needs and boundaries with the tools to decode your ancestor’s beliefs, practices, and wisdom.

Delve into Sacred Rage, Sacred Grief, & Sacred Boundaries. Each session stands alone; to truly embody the experience. Purchase the Sacred Deep Bundle to engage in all three.

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Politicizing Your Practice

The 3-part immersion is an opportunity for your organization to go deeper into each one of the workshops.

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Other Recorded Courses

Webinars and workshops recorded from past live events spanning topics like Rage, Grief, Boundaries, and Energetic understandings.

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Speaking Engagements

Bring Dr. Mullan to your campus, community or organization.

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Consulting and Healing

Remembering what was & co-creating what will be.

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